About DuniarTips & Prince Al-amin

DuniarTips is the perfect community worldwide for those who are passionate about discovering themselves through blogging and those who want to excel in this fast-changing online world.

DuniarTips is your go-to resource to learn all about digital marketing and blogging. It’s not just another blog because it’s my journey documentation and you’ll find all I’ve done to make DuniarTips.

DuniarTips focuses primarily on how to start blogging, make money blogging, affiliate marketing, SEO, social media marketing, WordPress, and anything else that might help you become your own boss.

Man Behind DuniarTips: Prince Al-amin

I’m the fountainhead of DuniarTips.

I started blogging from my learning u0026amp; sharing passions. In 2015, I got to know about blogging and my first blog was live in a month. I couldn’t resist the temptation to take it seriously, the idea of connecting with like-minded people and being able to share my knowledge with the world.

I found blogging a great medium to share with the world my favorite things. I started writing random stuff at first, but later I found out how to make blogging money. I discovered “The Way” by the power of the internet to become my own boss. That was when I began sharing the things that worked for me.

DuniarTips on Facebook: https://facebook.com/duniartipscom/